
How can we encourage creativity?

Throughout this course, we've had a lot of opportunities to exercise our skills in creativity and innovation, but one final piece of the puzzle is missing – how do we know if we're being creative in the right way, or if we're being creative enough? How can we be more creative? We decided to turn to science (specifically, a scientific article) for answers. The article we chose to review is Constraining Ideas: How Seeing Ideas of Others Harms Creativity in Open Innovation by Hofstetter et al. (2020). Link to article: This article challenges the perspective that exposure to others’ ideas breeds innovation, using as an example the phenomenon of companies turning to open innovation contests – contests where anyone can participate and all ideas are open to be viewed the public – to find new and innovative ideas for their own activities. What sets these contests apart from other well-known idea generation processes li...

Company interview conclusions

Feedback from company and our conclusions We presented our ideas to the person we interviewed and as they were not a higher level employee then unfortunately they cannot really make any changes. They really liked our ideas and thought that this could definitely give the store a competitive advantage. They also really appreciated how we managed to apply the idea of improving sustainability in a sports store, which they thought is not really possible. We as a team really enjoyed this task because it allowed us to think outside the box compared to regular company improvement ideas. We had the possibility to use our creativity and not just simply logic or what we have been taught about a company's financials to improve sales. Reflection on creativity process The ideas came actually pretty quickly as sustainability is such an important topic today and our generation is more invested than anyone else before. All of us know the sports store pretty well and visit it often as we are active ...

Responsibility and ethics of innovations

When we last discussed our innovation, we conducted an analysis to determine if they would be easy or difficult to implement for the company and what impact they would have. To restate our ideas: With adding treadmills to shops, customers can try out shoes to get a better feeling. With that we can eliminate a possibility that a customer will need to return a product afterwards, because of unexpected problems. Our second idea is adding screens to stores, where customers can learn about how to properly care for their shoes in order to make them last longer. In order to determine whether our ideas would be actually beneficial for the company, we – in addition to the initial idea validation – also had to think about how whether they were ethically and socially responsible ideas, or whether they would be a complete disaster for society. Read on to find out our conclusion… Treadmills We believe that this idea can very easily fulfill a social responsibility of encouraging people to be healthy...

Creativity technique and idea generation method workshop

We have chosen the “Reverse brainstorming method” to generate new ideas and find solutions for every problem. It is often an engaging process, and can highlight hidden faults in a process or product.  How to use reverse brainstorming: As the term ‘reverse thinking’ itself suggests, instead of adopting the logical manner of looking at a challenge, you reverse it and think about opposite ideas. For example, instead of asking “How can I get better grades at the university?”, I will ask “How to make sure I get the worst grades possible at the university?”. In most cases, people would find it much easier to produce ideas for the negative idea.  After you have asked the “negative” question, your team should start brainstorming answers to generate reverse solution ideas and do not reject any answer. The brainstorming session should take 10-15 minutes.  In our case, the “reversed” solutions for my question would be for example: I will never attend the first lesson in the morning ...

How to explain the innovation we will be making for sportland to your grandmother (as simply as possible)

With adding treadmills to shops, customers can try out shoes to get a better feeling. With that we can eliminate a possibility that a customer will need to return a product afterwards, because of unexpected problems. Our second idea is adding screens to stores, where customers can learn about how to properly care for their shoes in order to make them last longer. Validate your ideas:    We believe that both of our ideas could have a good impact because they make customer experience more interesting and make the company stand out from the competition. Although an initial investment is needed for the equipment, we believe that they will pay off their cost with a rise in customers and decrease in returns.  2) The company could have issues with the initial investment needed to buy the screens and treadmills. There also could be a problem with the upkeep of the equipment. But because we have come up with these ideas from the perspective of a customer, we believe that the compa...

Company interview preparation

  Hello fellow creativity enthusiasts! We are up to our next mission, which is to interview a company in Estonia and create an innovative proposal for their business. In this post we will tell a little about the company in general and then discuss their customers, competition and possible business opportunities.  

Welcome to our blog

This is the blog for the TalTech course MMJ3050 Creativity and Innovation. We are five students creating content here to pass our course tasks. Welcome aboard! Get to know us Vilma - Second from the right in the picture. Apparently not much of a beach person but instead loves to hike and ski. Passion for food, architecture, design and courses such as creativity & innovation. Marian - Second from left in the picture. Does not really mind spending time at the beach but mostly does some sort of sports instead which usually is football. Obsessed with coffee and dogs. Karel - I'm that guy in the middle with a flower behind my ear and as you can already imagine, cracking open a cold one with the boys at the beach is definitely one of my favorite things to do. When it comes down to creativity, I enjoy mixing new drinks and making my own recipes - white wine with pisang and lemon soda is a banger! Martin - First from right in the picture. Enjoys the warmth of sunny summer days because...